Capitol Hill Prayer Embassy
In an email dated May 24,
2006 Cindy Jacobs of Generals International wrote: “As
I pray for the
United States, I see that we are at a crossroads where we will either
keep the ground we have
taken and advance to see our nation transformed, or we will deteriorate
at an alarming rate.
How will the next generation judge our actions
at this juncture in history? Will they say that we rose to the occasion
and pushed through to Shift the Nation, or that we missed this time
of visitation because of our weariness and passivity?
The last time
Generals International gathered at Chevy Chase Baptist Church in
2000 was to come together for a time of intercession preceding the
presidential election, and God heard our prayers in a powerful way.
It is time again to rally the troops and cry out together to see
God's hand remain on our land! This is a crucial hour for the body
of Christ to stand together and cry out for protection, blessing
and a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit's power for America. Righteousness
will exalt this nation!”
In an email dated May 10,
2006 Mike and Cindy Jacobs and the Generals International
team wrote that Lou Engle (of The Call/Cause/Justice Houses of Prayer)
has just issued a call for 40 days of emergency prayer, beginning
on Sunday, May 14 and continuing to June 22 . . .
Lou reports: “Bob
Jones received a vision in 1999 that the “Burning Bush”
(President George Bush) would come out of Texas, and in the second
half of his second term, if the church would pray, he would do much
to end abortion, restrain homosexual marriage, and bring prayer
back in the schools of America . . .
We just met with a U.S. Senator
who confirms to us that almost everything positive seems to be restrained
and held back on Capitol Hill right now . . . The question is, will
the church give up and yield to the opinion polls, criticism, and
acquiescence, or will the church pray?”
Cindy continues: “Mike and I are currently in Seoul where
7,000+ people have gathered at the Olympic Hall venue for Shift
the Nation Korea. Hundreds of people have been turned away because
it is just too crowded. I have been so touched to see the intensity
and passion of the people of Korea as they cry out to God for revival
in their nation. The Koreans have responded to the call to shift
their nation.
The question that remains is will the people of America
do the same for their own nation? As Lou Engle says, intercessors
are stewards of the prophetic promises of the church . . . It is
all about, `if the church will pray.' History belongs to the intercessors!”
Note that Bob Jones' prophecy above specified how, with enough prayer
behind him, President Bush will do much to restrain homosexual marriage.
On May 26th Harry Valentine of Capitol Hill Prayer Alert sent out
is due for a vote in the U.S. Senate on June 6 or 7): “If
the homosexual marriage movement is not stopped, everything moral
(as defined by God in His Holy Word) will be challenged, censured
as oppressive, and eventually overthrown by pagan judges who have
obvious anti-Christ agenda.
This is already happening as judges,
state Supreme courts, and/or state legislators overturn state referenda
to establish marriage as between a man and a woman. There is a direct
correlation between the preservation of traditional marriage and
religious liberty. Once homosexual marriage is legal, our religious
liberty will be stripped away . . . (ed. note: The Cheney's lesbian
daughter Mary has recently published her much-publicized memoir.)
So, how to PRAY: WITH URGENCY; it will be difficult to get past
the Democrats filibuster, much less get 67 votes in the Senate.
Ask the Lord to RULE in this process; nothing is too difficult for
Him (Jer. 32:17).
We need to REPENT that things have reached this
point; that we, the Church, have allowed God's message to be so
weakened and compromised that there is not much FEAR OF THE LORD
or LOVE OF HIS PECEPTS left in our public squares or in His Church.”
Recently NPE Director Jeff Wright was led by God
to become active again in daily 5 A.M. group prayer, as happened
between 1986 and 1991 when the National Prayer Embassy was birthed
under the leadership and inspiration of Bob Willhite and Larry Lea
with the “Could You Not Tarry One Hour-Lord's Prayer Outline.”
At that time communism and the Soviet Empire were collapsing, and
there was great danger that the transition would be violent instead
of peaceful. Today, 20 years later, Islam is collapsing, and again
there is great danger that the transition will be violent instead
of peaceful.
Obviously America is still at war in Iraq, and with
terrorism around the world. Many experts say it is inevitable that
America will be attacked with nuclear weapons in the future, with
New York City and Washington, D.C. being the most likely targets,
as happened on 9/11.
But with enough prayer, God's protection for
His people is even more inevitable! With enough prayer, revival,
including massive gospel outreach and Godly values dominating our
government, is even more inevitable than the predictions of the
experts and the threats of the terrorists!
Regarding Jeff Wright's current involvement in
daily 5 A.M. group prayer, that has happened through the influence
of another international prayer ministry headquartered on Capitol
Hill in a strategic location next to the Supreme Court. That ministry
is “Men For Nations” led by Richard Simmons, who for
several decades has had a special calling on his life to mobilize
men for early morning prayer.
In recent years, God gave Dick an assignment to
mobilize 500,000 American men for
5 A.M. - 7 A.M. daily prayer to protect America from destruction
and to usher in revival. Dick says
women have been praying earnestly since the 1980's, and youth started
crying out to the LORD fervently for our nation in the late 1990's
(and even more so since 2000 with Lou Engle's Call/Cause/Justice
Houses of Prayer Movement) but the missing key is men.
As part of that vision about 15 years ago Dick
was led by God to purchase three condos directly across from the
U.S. Supreme Court and close to the U.S. Senate Office Buildings.
Dick lives with his wife Barbara in one of the condos, another he
uses for a prayer center and broadcast studio, and the third he
uses as a dorm for male prayer mobilizers whenever they visit DC
and are willing to spend four hours a day in prayer, including 5
A.M.- 7 A.M. at Dick's prayer center, and then attendance at government
hearings in need of special prayer, or even prayer tours of D.C.!
Over the last 15 years Dick has acted as an ambassador for prayer
on Capitol Hill. For example, for several years now Dick has been
discipling some of our Senators, Representatives and lobbyists in
prayer, and as a result these men are now more active than ever
in mobilizing their colleagues to pray. Dick calls his facility
“Capitol Hill Prayer Embassy” which it truly is!
In May this year the Family Research Council hosted
a large pro-family, pro-moral values pastors' briefing in DC. At
this briefing they gave Dick Simmons time to address the crowd of
about 400, and to invite them to meet him for 5 A.M.- 7 A.M. prayer
the next day in the conference hotel.
20 were there at 5 A.M. and
40 by 6 A.M., which is a great turnout, especially since the meeting
the night before went till 10 P.M. Revival is in the land! People
sense the precarious times in which we live and are hungry to seek
the Lord in a greater way and tithe their time to God in daily early
morning prayer!
Below is the biography on Dick Simmons that Family
Research Council included in their recent Washington, D.C. pastors'
conference brochure. Also see where Dick describes
the Predawn National Prayer Offensive and the 7/24 Capitol Prayer
For more information contact:
Dick Simmons, 117 2nd ST NE, Washington, DC 20002 / Ph. 202-546-3996
Dick is especially interested to know if you are now in a men's
group meeting for daily early morning prayer or willing to have
him come help you get such a group started.
REV. DICK SIMMONS: As an ordained Presbyterian
minister, Rev. Simmons was involved in one of the first major prayer
thrusts of the charismatic movement, out of which were birthed the
ministries of Pat Robertson and David Wilkerson.
In Brooklyn, Rev.
Simmons assisted David Wilkerson in launching TEEN CHALLENGE, one
of the first narcotic centers for teen-age addicts in the nation,
by serving as its first director.
In 1965, Rev. Simmons founded
the M-2 Man to Man Job Therapy program, which has matched Christian
laymen with over 50,000 adult and juvenile offenders in state and
federal prisons. Since then, the program has spread to 15 states
and three nations.
In 1980, he was appointed by President Reagan
to the Justice Task force. In this capacity he advised the administration
on how to best mobilize the private sector to tap the volunteer
potential of the American public.
His latest endeavor, Men for Nations,
was developed to open the way for spiritual wakening. He and his
wife Barbara have both served as evangelists in the inner city,
in churches, and on college campuses. Together they have four children
and four grandchildren.