
Congressional Prayer Conference
National Day of Prayer
Capitol Hill Prayer Embassy
Global Day of Prayer
FDR's D-Day Prayer
School Prayer Rally
Prayer for God's Evangelistic Endtime Harvest
Memorial Day
Chaplain's Prayer
Annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Ramadan Muslim
Annual Prayer Focus
10/40 Window October PrayerFfocus
Annual Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Other Prayer Resources
Current Prayer Alerts
Prayer Tours in Every City..........................................................

A Prayer Tour can be done just by driving any vehicle through a city for an hour or so when traffic is light, such as Sunday morning before church, with a team of at least three to four praying believers on-board who will pray over that city, using the main government buildings and other symbols as reminders to pray for that city, our nation and world.

Like Washington, D.C. every city has visual symbols of the government-Local, State and Federal. For example, City Hall, the County or Federal Buildings, Courthouses, Army Reserve or National Guard Posts, Police Departments, Prisons, Jails,
School Boards, Newspaper Offices, TV or Radio Stations, Abortion Clinics, Pornography Shops, Chamber of Commerce Offices, Banks and Major Industries.

IT'S HARD TO FORGET TO PRAY for your city and leaders if you'll go look at their offices on a weekly basis! It's easier to remember to pray for our military forces around the world when driving past an Army Reserve or National Guard base!
The same is true for schools, media and all the other issues mentioned above.

The prayer tour in a vehicle driving through any city provides a COMFORTABLE, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT and a SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PASSING VISUAL PRAYER
REMINDERS. An organized rotation keeps weekly prayer going, once you find a schedule that people are willing to sustain, and a system of reminders.

Our weekly prayer alerts and Prayer Handbook (click above on "Our Prayer Resources") are especially useful as one is led by the Holy Spirit in praying God's Word over the economy, for the Military, for the Media, for our Leaders, etc., including "Psalm 91 for America."

PRAISE AND WORSHIP, especially regarding THE BLOOD OF JESUS, is also a big part of our Prayer Tours, as led by the Holy Spirit!

In our local Washington, D.C. area church described above, volunteers are rotated weekly so that no one is asked to go more than once every month; however, some space is usually available for those who want to go more often, with a reservation required to guarantee space.

The prayer tour participant rotation schedule can be mailed out or published in a weekly church bulletin, and as necessary, participants can receive a phone call a day before as a reminder.

Although child care is provided for our main church service each Sunday, no childcare is provided for our prayer tours. However, school age children enjoy this unique and exciting prayer experience, and children of all ages are welcome to come on the prayer tours with their parents!

With this kind of organization and effort, Victory World Outreach Church in the Washington, D.C. area has been able to sustain a 95% participation rate in this prayer tour program for almost two decades, keeping Washington, D.C. saturated in
prayer! All Glory to God!!!

Weekly Sunday morning prayer tours could be conducted as a Sunday School option by churches in every city in the world, as a tool to help the body of Christ be diligent in prayer, so that God can keep America and all the nations saturated in prayer in this critical endtime hour, especially now with the current war on terrorism!

This is how the government can be upon Jesus' shoulders (Isaiah 9:6)--His people in His body the church (Ep.1:22-23) allow Him to pray through them, as His Holy Spirit brings His Word to our remembrance (Jo.14:26) as a sword of the Spirit taken praying always (Ep.6:17-18), so that the Lord can lift up His standard of truth in our streets, homes, schools, businesses and halls of government (Is.59:14-21).

His Truth is Marching On! Jesus is Lord! The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever! (Rev. 11:15) Come quickly Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22:20)
